Thursday 1 November 2018

Check this out: design for a floating laboratory/restaurant/accomodation. Could be winched underwater for added versatility. Using roman concrete in a marine environment would mean it just got stronger and stronger. Think concrete can't float? Then revisit your school science books!


Wednesday 24 October 2018

Releasing sharks into a no-fishing area.

Video of my shark conservation programme in Chonburi province near Bangkok. Bamboo sharks can be found for sale, alive, in some of the local fish markets so I try to find gravid (pregnant) females, place them in quarantine for a few days until they start laying, then release them and their eggs onto shark-depleted reefs. This video shows two gravid females and one male being released into the no-fishing zone administered by Thai navy SEALs in Samaesan. It's pretty rare to have the opportunity of diving on an unifished reef and always exciting to see the size and variety of local fish!

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Envirodiving and  reef shark release vlog:

Also travel in some fairly core places.
Stratospheric launch pad.

Problem: the cost of sending cargo to space is prohibitive due to the exponential cost of the fuel/weight ratio: more fuel is needed to lift the fuel that fuels the different rocket stages. Rockets also burn a lot of oxgen out of the atmosphere while releasing significant amounts of carbon into it.

Solution: launch rockets from higher up in the air. Following the example of Felix Baumgartner's Redbull Stratos skydive, amd numerous eucational experiments, here is a plan for a stratospheric launch platform, as briefly considered for publication by the JBIS.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Tarantula Psylocibes, Rob Fewster 2003

Tarantula Psylocibes, Rob Fewster 2003.

The intricate weavings of paintbrushed web surround central faces of spider-goblinicity. Turned upside down, the picture reveals subliminal floating jellyfish.3

Abstract-Tribal Coral Reef, Rob Fewster 200?

Abstract-Tribal Coral Reef, Rob Fewster 200?

In the intricate swirlings of silver coral reef water, subliminal inhabitant shapes can be discerned such as clown eels, giant clams and a giant spiral nautilus.

Alien Parrot Girl, Rob Fewster 2004

Alien Parrot Girl, Rob Fewster 2004. This picture blends the original flying eye (Robversion) with a parrot-like 'shell' and when turned on its side, a beautiful woman appears, mouth to the right of her profile, hips at the bottom of the picture, breast or shoulder to the left. Looks like she's wearing a cloak.